Brochures and Factsheets
The following resource is part of the Family Violence Initiative, funded by the RCMP. Find similar tools by searching for the FVIF tag or consult the list of available resources.
"If you are a woman experiencing abuse or if you have previously been abused, this book is intended to help you.(...)
If you are a worker who offers support and counselling, or a friend or family member of a woman experiencing abuse, you may find this book helpful as well.
For friends and family members, we have added a chapter beginning on page 70.
Content is constantly being updated. For the most recent edition, visit and follow the links to the publications on violence.
For additional resources, visit"
- Section regarding Older Women: p. 12-13
- Useful websites: p.86
- Directory of Agencies and Services: p.88
''This brochure helps families and caregivers recognize red flags of financial abuse and take the next step to report and stop the abuse.''
Find more resources on the FCNB's Finances 50+ section:
"The Senior Aware program is a tool to sensitize seniors, professionals and the general public to the abuse and fraud to which seniors may be subjected. Through information sessions, police officers, professionals and senior volunteers provide a complete portrait of the kinds of abuse and fraud that affect seniors in particular, as well as advice to help prevent them.
The Senior Aware program is the result of a cooperative effort of three organizations directly involved with seniors and the prevention of fraud and abuse. The Réseau FADOQ, the Sûreté du Québec and the University-affiliated Centre of social gerontology of West-Central Montreal Health have combined their expertise to offer senior citizens information sessions that provide targeted audiences with a wide range of practical advice.
FADOQ, Sûreté du Québec and University-affiliated centre of social gerontology of West-Central Montreal Health have put together a Provincial Advisory Committee composed of experts against Fraud and Abuse in order to complement and enrich the content of the various tools of the Program.
Source: Fadoq - Senior-Aware - Prevent Abuse and Fraud
"On the occasion of Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2016, the World Health Organization is launching a new infographic on the issue which highlights the magnitude of the problem and known prevention strategies."
Source: World Health Organization
"The checklists are the first in a series of tools on cognitive decline and financial exploitation that are being developed by the task force. They are written in plain language and grouped into three sections:
- how advisors can prepare to work with potentially vulnerable investors,
- what to watch for when advising these clients, and
- recommended actions to ensure the advisor and dealer are meeting their regulatory and legal obligations."
Other checklist available: Meeting the Needs of Investors with Cognitive Decline
Source: Investment Funds Institute of Canada
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