The following resource is part of the Family Violence Initiative, funded by the RCMP. Find similar tools by searching for the FVIF tag or consult the list of available resources.



"In our last Issue, we partnered with Elder Abuse Ontario and focused on the types of violence experienced by women who are older, including violence by a current or former intimate partner, abuse by a family member, and abuse by a caretaker. Barriers to disclosing and seeking help, considerations for researchers and service providers, resources, and information for the public were highlighted. Requests from our readers to provide more information, resulted in our decision to focus the current newsletter on the femicide of women who are older.

To learn more about this emerging issue, we turned to one of the leading researchers on femicide, Dr. Myrna Dawsonat the University of Guelph. She partnered with Danielle Sutton, a PhD student and a Senior Research Assistant at Dr.Dawson’s Research Centre, to co-author Learning Network Brief 31 on the killing of 452 older women (55 yrs. & older) inOntario over a 38-year period (1974 to 2012). The data were collected from a number of official and unofficial sources including death records kept by the Office of the Chief Coroner of Ontario, Crown Attorney files, court documents, and media coverage.This newsletter features highlights from Sutton and Dawson’s important research findings. Following each finding, a commentary is provided."

Source: The Learning Network at the Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children at the University of Western Ontario

The following resource is part of the Family Violence Initiative, funded by the RCMP. Find similar tools by searching for the FVIF tag or consult the list of available resources.

respectagingscreencapRespect Aging is part of the Violence Prevention Initiative, Women's Policy Office.

Related material: Trainer's guide.
Find more promotional resources at the link below.

Source: Respect Aging

bcseniorsguide2016"The BC Seniors' Guide is a book-style compilation of information and resources to help us all plan for and live a healthy lifestyle as we age. It includes information on provincial and federal programs, with sections on benefits, health, lifestyle, housing, transportation, finances, safety and security, and other services."

Translated PDF versions of the 11th edition of the BC Seniors' Guide are also available in French, Chinese and Punjabi on the Government of British Columbia website

Related material:  The BC Elders’ Guide, specifically designed for First Nations and Aboriginal Elders.

Source: Government of British Columbia



bccrn brochure"BC CRN is a provincial umbrella organization that supports local CRNs who in turn work to create a strong community response for adults who may be experiencing or impacted by abuse, neglect, and self-neglect."

Source: BC Association of Community Response Networks


"For many of us, the holidays offer a once-a-year time to visit with elderly relatives who live at a distance. These holiday visits are a good time to assess what assistance parents or other elderly loved ones might need to safely age in their homes. There are many things to consider. Prepare a checklist of things to look out for and to discuss with your elderly loved one."

Source: National Centre on Elder Abuse


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