The following resource is part of the Family Violence Initiative, funded by the RCMP. Find similar tools by searching for the FVIF tag or consult the list of available resources.

safetyplanningeao screengrab"This toolkit was designed for agencies supporting older victims who are vulnerable, at-risk, or experiencing abuse. Whether the individual is an older woman or man, the Safety Planning Toolkit provides important information about family and partner violence. It also provides suggestions and strategies to help protect older adults in situations of risk or danger and how to maintain their safety and security. The Toolkit uses an approach to answer common questions many older adults ask such as, is my relationship unhealthy? What can I do? Who can help me?

The toolkit provides:

  • key facts and statistics on abuse and violence in later life
  • tips on how to recognize the warning signs of unhealthy relationships or abusive partners
  • action steps for an older adult
  • personal safety including making a personalized safety plan
  • contact information on programs and services

    This toolkit provides information only, it is recommended that older adults contact a local agency for support.
    They can also call Victim Services or the Seniors Safety Line at 1-866-299-1011 for a customized safety plan."

    Related materials: 
    Recorded webinar - Supporting Older Adults to Create A Safety Plan 

Source: Elder Abuse Ontario

The following resource is part of the Family Violence Initiative, funded by the RCMP. Find similar tools by searching for the FVIF tag or consult the list of available resources.


respectagingtrainersmanualscreenshot"The Respect Aging training materials are used to educate and train various target audiences to support them in recognizing, preventing and intervening in violence against older persons. These training materials are meant to raise awareness and provide information, resources, and tools for anyone who interacts with older persons affected by violence or most likely to experience violence."
Related material:

  • Respect Aging Brochure
  • A Trainer's guide (3hr training session) and Participant's guide can also be found at the link below.

Source: Respect Aging

natnursingframework medicalassistanceindyingincanada "This framework has been developed with several purposes in mind: 

  • To raise awareness among nurses of the change in the federal law, which now permits MAID in certain circumstances and within regulatory direction.
  •  To guide nurses in reflecting on ethical issues that may occur as they care for persons considering MAID in various practice settings.
  • To reinforce sound ethical nursing practice. 
  • To outline the role of nurses (i.e., NPs as compared to registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and registered psychiatric nurses) in MAID and to support nurses in their practice as they work with persons6 considering and receiving MAID and their families and interprofessional health-care teams (in alignment with regulatory direction in relevant jurisdictions). 
  • To raise the visibility of the profession’s contribution to end-of-life care decision-making and care that includes MAID. 
  • To be a resource that supports nurse regulators, clinical nurse leaders, administrators/employers and interprofessional health-care teams to develop policies, guidelines, processes and services which use the knowledge and skills of nurses appropriately to provide or aid in MAID.
  • To be a nursing resource for entry to practice and continuing education on MAID.

Read more …

elderabuseinlgbtqcommunity"Elder Abuse Ontario has developed a series of Training Modules on specific issues related to elder abuse. The Modules have been designed to provide a standardized format for training purposes that can be utilized for educating interdisciplinary sectors. Recognizing the diversity of training environments as well as time considerations, sections of the module can be used independently to teach on a specific subject area or used in its entirety. The module contains the following:

  • Guiding principles
  • Overview and definition(s)
  • Risk factors, and warning signs 
  • Assessment Questions
  • Interview Strategy   
  • Safety Planning
  • Reporting and Legislation
  • Case Studies – Discussion Questions, Fact Box, Decision Tree for navigating support and interventions
  • Provincial Resources/Services

    Source: Elder Abuse Ontario

elderjusticeroadmapA strategic planning resource by the field or the field spanning four domains: Direct Services, Education, Policy and Research

"The Roadmap is intended primarily to be a strategic planning resource by the field, for the field, to advance our collective efforts to prevent and combat elder abuse. It is a dynamic document that can be adapted and used by grassroots and community groups, multidisciplinary teams, and local, state and national governmental and non-governmental entities all of which have critical and complementary roles to play in tackling and implementing the recommendations identified in this document."

Source: NYC Elder Abuse Center


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