Safe and Sound"This 18 page Safe & Sound Financial Security Literacy Tool PDF eBook from Elder Abuse Ontario and is user friendly and can be used by both service providers and older adults.  It concerns the topic of financial abuse and how to effectively take action while providing some tips and resources around  financial decisions." For more information, or for Farsi, Punjabi, or Spanish versions, please see Elder Abuse Ontario.  

Preventing and Addressing Abuse RNOA"This best practice guideline is focused on preventing and addressing abuse and neglect of older adults throughout various health-care institutions and community settings in Canada. It outlines recommendations for nurses and other health-care providers, educators, health-care organizations, advocacy groups, nursing regulatory bodies and governments. Implementation resources in development include an e-learning course, a health education fact sheet, and a personal digital assistant (PDA) version of the guideline. This guideline is part of an initiative funded by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program and builds on a collaborative project between the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) and RNAO, titled Promoting the Awareness of Elder Abuse in Long-Term Care." 
For more information, please see the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario





Screen Shot 2015 10 09 at 2.38.17 PMAddressing Abuse of Older Adults: An RNAO Initiative aims to prevent and address abuse and neglect of older adults throughout various health-care institutions and community settings in Canada. The foundation of the initiative – funded by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program – is Canada’s first evidence-based best practice guideline for health-care providers, Preventing and Addressing Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults: Person-Centred, Collaborative, System-Wide Approaches. RNAO has also developed a Best Practice Success Kit containing easy to use resources to support uptake of the guideline at practice, education and policy, organization and system levels.

Source: Registered Nurses Association of Ontario

Legal Issues in Residential Care An Advocates Manual "The BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support (BCCEAS) is proud to present our Clicklaw Wikibook, Legal Issues in Residential Care: An Advocate’s Manual, an online guide to legal issues with regard to residential care in British Columbia, and the processes and solutions needed to deal with them. This e-book is primarily meant for legal and health care professionals working to support people in residential care, as well as the BCCEAS legal team."

DEAR"The Dental Elder Abuse Response (D.E.A.R.) Project is a joint pilot project of Archer Dental(West Toronto), the Canadian Centre for Elder Law (CCEL), and the National Initiative for Care of the Elderly (Dental Theme Team).  This project is creating the first materials in Canada which link dentists, caregivers and older adults together on issues of abuse and neglect. Working with dentists, hygienists, seniors, caregivers and community organizations, the D.E.A.R. Project is “Taking the Bite out of Elder Abuse”. Its senior peer-trained workshops, online videos, helpful brochures and checklists provide practical, evidence-based and expert hands-on material to recognize and prevent dental elder abuse and neglect.  These materials also help to start the conversation about advance care planning related to dental issues."  
For more information, please see the National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly or the Canadian Centre for Elder Law
To download all materials for free, please see Archer Dental.  


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