The following is part of our project “Increasing Access to Justice for Older Adult Victims of Sexual Assault: A Capacity Building Approach”, funded by the Justice Canada Victims Fund.Learn more about this project or consult the full list of resources

learningbrief1 salaterlife minilitreview 2020This Learning Brief is part of a series developed during our Access to Justice Project. It provides an overview of the literature and knowledge base on sexual assault in later life. It is designed to provide a summary of what we know about sexual victimization in older age, including why it should be viewed as distinct from sexual assault experienced by younger adults as well as from other forms of elder abuse, and identifies some key gaps in our knowledge and understanding of sexual assault in later life.

Companion piece: Sexual Assault in Later Life- Recommendations for Research, Policy, and Practice

Authors: Amy Peirone, PhD SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Guelph and Myrna Dawson, PhD Professor of Sociology, University of Guelph Director, Centre for the Study of Social and Legal Responses to Violence

coverdementiareport"In this 2019 World Alzheimer Report, we revisit attitudesto dementia and stigma to better understand the role they play and to set a baseline against which we can gauge future changes. This report details the scale of the challenge we face where attitudes to dementia, and specifically stigma, are still a major barrier to people seeking out information, help, advice, support and even a diagnosis; preventing or delaying people from putting plans in place; progressing to a stage of acceptance and being able to adjust to live with dementia. Stigma may be overt; in some countries it is still associated with witchcraft resulting in people being restrained and isolated. Or it can be more subtle; even in countries with national dementia plans and profile awareness campaigns, many people still delay seeking help when they first become aware that something is wrong."

Source: Alzheimer’s Disease International

femicidereport2 eng cover''The Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability (CFOJA) is the sole Canadian initiative responding to the United Nations call to establish femicide observatories to more compreensively and accurately document gender-related killings of women and girls or 'femicide'. The CFOJA mandate is to establish a visible and national focus on femicide in Canada by (1) documenting femicides as they occur in Canada; and (2) monitoring state, legal and social responses to these killings. This is the CFOJA's second annual #CallItFemicide report, focusing on women and girls killed by violence in Canada from January 1 to November 30, 2019.


  • Section 1: The Growing Global Fem(in)icide Movement
  • Section 2: Patterns in Women and Girls killed by violence in Canada
  • Section 3: Identifying Gender-Relates Motives and Indicators for Femicide
  • Section 4: Current and Emerging Research and Data Priorities for Femicide Prevention
  • Section 5: Remembering Women and Girls Killed by Violence 2019

See the 2018 report

Source: Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability


cover whitepaperCollaboration between the AFO and the Fédération des aînés et des retraités francophones de l’Ontario (FARFO) made it possible to develop the present White Paper on Ontario’s Aging Francophone Population.(...)The goals of the process were as follows:

  • To provide the Franco-Ontarian community with an understanding of the current situation,strategic issues and measures to be taken to ensure the implementation of winning strategies for Ontario’s aging Francophone population;
  • Stimulate strategic thinking to raise awareness and engage in substantive dialogue with political and governmental decision-makers;
  • Define the steps required to implement concrete changes and mobilize all the necessary community resources.


Source: Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario

cover corecommunitysupports esdc 2019The purpose of this report is to inform policy reflection by providing information regarding how well older Canadians are served for the purposes of aging in place and community, by the home and community support services currently available. This will be achieved by:

1. Describing the home care services, home supports and financial supports that help older adults age in place, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the federal, provincial and territorial governments in delivering them.

2. Determining how the needs of Canadians older adults aging in place are being met by identifying gaps, challenges, trends, best practices and innovative approaches in the provision of these supports.

3. Identifying best practices and innovative approaches used in Canada and internationally.

Source:Employment and Social Development Canada


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