Screen Shot 2015 10 09 at 12.54.03 PMThe SOS Abuse Kit was created by the Association québécoise de défense des droits des personnes retraitées et préretraitées, it contains a prevention, screening, intervention and training tool kit relating to the issue of elder abuse and it is meant for local senior organizations and for a variety of stakeholders across Québec.

The SOS Abuse Kit is a collection of tools that have been selected by the executive committee of the project. Most of these tools have been identified in all 17 administrative regions of Quebec by visiting the regions in 2009 and sending questionnaires to the various organizations concerned with the problem of elder abuse.

Wherever you may be in Québec you can get access to an SOS Abuse kit. You will find all the necesary tools to intervene and assist elder abuse victims appropriately.

2009 Promising Approaches for AddressingPreventing Abuse of Older Adults in First Nations "Through a literature review and web-based search, 8 regional teleconferences and an in-person focus group, this project was designed to identify relevant principles, screening and intervention tools and approaches and prevention strategies being used in First Nations communities to address/prevent abuse of older adults. While the project was focused on gathering approaches and tools to assist First Nations older adults who are abused, on or off reserve, as opposed to all aboriginal peoples (Inuit and Métis) frequently the term “aboriginal” is used because there has been so little research done with regard to First Nations older adults generally, or abuse of First Nations older adults more specifically. Including more references, approaches and tools that are at least aboriginal if not specifically First Nations, seemed desirable."

Source: BC Association of Community Response Networks

The Role of the DentistFrom the Canadian Dental Association, this article by Michael Wiseman, DDS, FASGD, M RCS(Edin) details how "dentists are in an ideal position to identify and signal suspected abuse, as they perform a thorough examination of the head and neck region and generally see their patients twice a year. Good communication skills are necessary to improve dialogue with the patient. This article is intended to provide the dentist with tools to identify abuse and a decision tree to manage and monitor the suspected abused elder. With increased awareness, dentists will play an important role in helping  protect seniors from abuse."

ACE"Capacity is the ability to understand information relevant to a decision and the ability to appreciate the reasonably foreseeable consequences of a decision (or lack of a decision). The purpose of the Aid to Capacity Evaluation (ACE) is to help clinicians systematically evaluate capacity when a patient is facing a medical decision.

The developers of the ACE:

  1. assume no liability for any reliance by any person on the information contained herein
  2. make no representations regarding the quality, accuracy or lawfulness related to the use of the ACE
  3. recommend that ACE users attend a standardized ACE training session

The ACE was developed with the support of the physicians of Ontario through a grant from the Physicians' Services Incorporated Foundation."

Source: Joint Centre for Bioethics - University of Toronto


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