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WEAAD 2024:
Be bOld - Age With Atttude!


Every year, on June 15th, we all join forces to remind the world that older people are rights holders, who deserve to live free from ageism, abuse and neglect.

Like previous years, CNPEA, Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario, CanAge and many provincial partners, are inviting Canadians of all ages to become a champion of elder abuse prevention and to stand up for the rights of older people. This year, we challenge you all to be bOld and to Age With Attitude!

Ageism (how we think, feel and act towards people based strictly on their age) may lead you to you think that getting older is nothing but a process of loss, and that older people are a burden, when nothing is further from the truth. Age discrimination is what we should be worried about, not aging.

By letting ageism dictate our ways of thinking, policies and programs, we are missing out on endless talent, experience, creativity and economic participation that people can offer as they age. Mindset matters to build a society where older people are truly valued, supported and live free from ageism, abuse and neglect.

We encourage you to support our campaign on social media by using the hashtags #bOld and #WEAAD2024, and to think of actions you can take to contribute to elder abuse prevention in your community and to promote the voices of older people. 


ON JUNE 12, 2024!

Like every year, we will be bringing together experts and community members to discuss what we can all do to ensure older Canadians are safe from abuse and neglect.Our 2024 panel of speakers will be announced closer to the date. Stay tuned!  




EAPO and CNPEA have developed a suite of materials to help you participate in WEAAD 2024 and support the Age With Attitude campaign:

Find it all and download what you need right here


Thank You to Our Supporters and Sponsors

CNPEA would like to thank our generous sponsors who contribute to the sustainability of our knowledge-sharing hub

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