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WEAAD 2021:

Rights Don’t Get Old

The basic human rights of older Canadians are challenged and undercut every day and, tragically, this has never been more true than over the last year during the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s estimated that 7 to 10% of older Canadians are victims of elder abuse. 1 in 6 seniors globally. 

We cannot allow this to continue.

This WEAAD, CNPEA, EAPO and CanAge are teaming up to create a national conversation around elder abuse prevention and what each of us can do to uphold and protect the rights of seniors in your community. Throughout the campaign, we’ll be sharing compelling statistics and useful resources, igniting a national conversation and shining a light on the need to create a coordinated pan-Canadian approach to elder abuse prevention.

There are a few easy ways you can participate in WEAAD and join the movement:

1. Register for our free online event

Our June 15 webinar, entitled ‘Aging with Rights: Ending Elder Abuse in Canada’, is the main event of WEAAD 2021. It’s a not-to-be-missed interactive national event that brings together a panel of experts, political figures, advocates and concerned people like you to engage in an inspiring discussion about how we, as a country, can fight elder abuse and protect the rights of older people.

Make sure you secure your seat quickly, as space is limited (and share widely with your networks!).

2. Visit the website

CanAge, EAPO and CNPEA have launched a dedicated website at This page will serve as the central hub of our campaign, and will contain everything you need to get informed and get engaged: 

  • Registration link for our webinar
  • Social media messages you can share to speak out on the rights of older Canadians
  • Downloadable posters and social media cards

3. Speak out

CNPEA and EAPO have developed a WEAAD Social Media Guide to help you promote #WEAAD2021 on social media. The Guide includes tips on using social media, and sample posts you can use (just cut and paste!). We have also developed some visual assets that you can share on socia media.

Download the WEAAD social media cards bundle - ENGLISH (9MB zip)

screenshot millionsscreenshot purple shirt weaad

screenshotpositiveattitudescreenshot free from abusescreenshot respect

screenshot financial safetyscreenshot ageismscreenshot healthcare

WEAAD 2021 Logos

screenshot weaadlogo engsquare Square format - Download here

screenshot banner with hashtag Banner with hashtags - Download here

screenshot banner no date eng Banner no hashtags - Download here

We can't wait to see your posts! Remember to use  #RightsDoNotGetOld and #WEAAD2021 in all of them.



Thank You to Our Supporters and Sponsors

CNPEA would like to thank our generous sponsors who contribute to the sustainability of our knowledge-sharing hub

Nova Scotia

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