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This year, CNPEA and Elder Abuse Ontario have joined forces for a World Elder Abuse Awareness Day social campaign. With your help, we hope to shine a light on social inclusion, as a tool to keep us safe from abuse as we age.

Throughout the next month, until World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (June 15), CNPEA and EAO will lead a social media campaign called #AgeofInclusion.

Why focus on social inclusion?

  • Because being socially isolated is a common affliction among older adults. More than 30% of Canadian seniors are at risk of becoming socially isolated.
  • Because isolation and loneliness are as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day
  • Because social isolation can put seniors at increased risk for elder abuse
  • Because each of us can play a meaningful role in helping include older adults in all aspects of life and contribute to preventing elder abuse.

How can I help?
We need you to spread the word.
In the next few weeks, and particularly on June 15, EAO and CNPEA will post messages on our respective social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). We will share information, resources, inspiration, and tips about social inclusion and its benefits when it comes to older adults' health, well-being, and elder abuse prevention.

You can support us by 

  • Sharing/retweeting EAO's and CNPEA's updates and tweets.

  • Telling your contacts and followers why you support the campaign #AgeofInclusion, why it matters and why they should too. 

To make your life easier, we created the factsheet "Using social media to promote WEAAD 2019".   It contains tips to support this campaign, as well as message templates that you can simply copy and paste. Just remember to use the hashtags #AgeofInclusion and #WEAAD2019. 

We have also created a set of bilingual images, posters, and logos (see below). We invite you to use them and share them with your contacts. 

    On June 15, we hope you will join us in marking World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and telling the world about #AgeofInclusion

WEAAD 2019 Logo

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Social Media Banners

Email Header   En (Jpg)     Fr (Jpg)
Twitter              En (Jpg)     Fr (Jpg)
Facebook         En (Jpg)     Fr (Jpg)
LinkedIn           En (Jpg)     Fr (Jpg)


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      poster1 familyholdinghand


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      cover factsheet socialmedia




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